How many times have you said, "this is it -- this year I'm going to do it! I am FINALLY going to lose the weight!". You start off strong, you get 5 days in the first week, you're eating really well....and then...then something gets in the way. You worked over time and got home late one night. Your infant was up teething all night. You ran out of healthy food and resorted to eating whatever you had left over in your pantry. It was cold in the room you workout in (yes, I've actually used this as an excuse!). The problem is that even though you bought the DVDs, or signed up for a shiny new gym membership -- YOUR MIND REMAINS THE SAME. You see, you could have all the physical items that put you on solid ground to succeed and get your fitness on BUT if you haven't changed your MIND, you still have YOU directing your journey. In my own humble opinion, you would be better served reading and listening to personal development a/k/a/ self-help, (i.e. podcasts, books, webinars, Church sermons) to figure out WHAT is stopping you from succeeding! What is it that holds you back? What is stopping you from succeeding? AND THIS IS THE #1 REASON WHY I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE INSANITY MAX: 30. This is one of the only programs that I never get tired of coming back to! In fact, I am excited to do this workout not because of the physical part, but the MENTAL part. Shaun T delivers some really serious life lessons throughout the 60 days and he forces you to dig deep into your BRAIN. So much so that I had a complete sob fest during Friday Fight Round snot on the floor, hysterical baby, I want my mommy, ugly cry. But it was a breakthrough! And that my friend is your secret weapon -- YOUR MIND. If you don't change your mind, your body will go no where. Your MIND, your thoughts, your beliefs, are the ONLY thing holding you back from achieving success -- not just in health and fitness, but in LIFE. THIS PROGRAM WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, and I do not mean that lightly. If you know what you should be doing (in any aspect of your life), have started more times than you can remember, but never really finished....then this program is for YOU.
So what's it about? Get the facts here!
How long is the program? 60 Days
How many DVDs does it come with? The base package has 12 different workouts on 10 DVDs
How long are the workouts? 30 mins each (crazy Fast, crazy hard = crazy fit)
What else is included in the package?
- Nutrition to the Max Guide uses simple portion control to make losing weight and getting shredded faster and easier than ever.
- 'Max Out Guide gives you the secret to great results with INSANITY MAX:30 and shows you how to track your MAX OUT time so you can achieve MAX results in just 60 days.
- Max Out Wall Calendar shows you which workout to do each day and how to keep pushing your MAX OUT times for maximum results.
- No Time to Cook Guide is probably our favorite tool! They've covered absolutely everything about eating on the go, whether you’re at a hot, new restaurant, standing in the frozen food aisle, or eating fast food on the run.
- 2 FREE bonus workouts: Pulse - Shaun’s version of a recovery workout and Ab Attack:10
What equipment do I need?
No equipment is required to do INSANITY MAX:30—all you need is YOU!
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