Friday, February 6, 2015

Yo-Yo Dieting and How to Stop

This isn't my first blog. In fact, it's my third. The other two flopped for one reason and one reason only, and that was because I was consistently inconsistent.  I set my expectations so high and refused to post anything until it was perfect. It became so overwhelming that I ended up not posting at all. Then I realized that this was a pattern in my life. It permeated to other areas. If I was't going all in, giving it my full force and succeeding to the point of perfection, I didn't bother to do it. I gave up because the results weren't immediate.  The biggest part of my life that suffered as a result: my health and weight.  Saying that I was a yo-yo dieter is an understatement. I've been everywhere from Weight Watchers, to Nutri-System, the Cabbage Soup Diet, Stacker 2s (when they were legal), juice cleanses, colonics, Master Cleanse with the ridiculous grade A Maple Syrup, Cayenne pepper concoctions, Atkins, Dr. get the picture. And it wasn't until the magical moment when I found that simply eating healthy, like really healthy (i.e. avoiding processed foods and incorporating whole, fresh and local foods) did I find peace and progress in my life. It's not complicated and something that even me, a busy mom of 3, full time lawyer, business owner and NOW Certified Health Coach can do. And my purpose, my passion is to teach you how. Welcome.

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